

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Flik Flak

Time is fun

In 1987, a major innovation in the watchmaking industry marked the creative spirit that characterizes the world’s largest watchmaking group, namely the introduction of a watchmaking brand dedicated solely to children – Flik Flak.

As well as developing very trendy watches in a children’s world where princesses rub shoulders with pirates and explorers, the Flik Flak brand has also developed a method of teaching children to tell the time. In fact, Flik and Flak «tick and tock» the time away in line with an educational concept that enables children as young as four to tell the time. The principle developed in collaboration with educationalists and psychologists introduces the brothers Flik and Flak. Flik moves round the dial with the blue minute hand over the course of an hour, pointing to the blue minute digits. Meanwhile, Flak plods along in his red coat moving from one hour to the next, the hour markings being indicated by red digits on the watch dials which have been specially designed to help children tell the time.

Always closely in touch with children’s fads and crazes, the Flik Flak brand makes telling the time fun. Numerous events are held throughout the world and the brand is now introducing not only watches but also matching jewelry to delight little girls everywhere.

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