

Sunday, 2 January 2011

On Style: Leather Jackets...

Leather jackets are a minefield. Get it right, and you’ll look cool as sin; get it wrong and you’ll look like your dad at a fancy dress party, wearing his own cloths (think about it – even he knows he’s out of date).

Although the concept of leather outerwear is, and always will be, timeless, certain style smack so firmly of an era, they should be avoided at all costs. If you try it on and, looking back at you from the mirror is a character you remember seeing on television when you were little, hang it back up. Reefer jackets are about as retro as you should go, and only if you have the rest of the Starsky & Hutch regalia to go with it.

What seems to be in at the moment, are these crinkled leather, waist length, elasticated hem bomber jackets. I love these when the leather isn’t too crinkled and the collar is ludicrously high. Short, Nehru style collars are not cool anymore unless you’re a motorbike aficionado, so steer clear.

The thing is, buying a leather jacket should be one of those experiences for a man that ranks alongside buying his first can; his first straight-blade razor; feeling his first pair of breasts and the associated undercarriage. In short, it should be almost spiritual.

Bur right now, the shift in trend has left the future of the currently fashionable leather hanging in the balance. Is there longevity to anything that’s around at the moment, or would you be well advised to save the £200+ it will cost you to gamble, and spend it instead on a full-length woollen overcoat instead..?

I know where my money’s going…

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