

Saturday, 1 January 2011

On Style: Having a Look...

Whenever dressing yourself, or, in broader terms, defining in your mind ‘a look’ that will become your own, it helps to have a model in mind; a case study from whom you can draw your influence.

Some people choose actors, some writers or artists – whatever medium you feel best represents your personality, is sure to hold many an example that will be able to help you solidify the mental image.

I personally have a summer model, a winter model and a formal model. You to could instigate a seasonal shift in your style without much trouble, and the benefits are simple and manifold.

With a model in mind you needn’t agonise over the form of your outfit, only the components that will make it complete. Rather than starting-out with a blank canvas, the outline has already been drawn. All you need to do is fill in the blanks.

Your own look could easily become a mishmash of your favourite styles. This, I would say, is preferably. If you idolise the people you base your own look on, then you will idolise their clothes, and, by proxy, your own. This kind of reverence will not only encourage you to respect your outfit, but also to have confidence AND cause your own look to become a separate, almost tangible entity in your own mind.

Soon, you will be basing your style on YOURSELF. Weird, but true.

Give it a go: be bold and be yourself. You can’t go far wrong.

Unless you’re an absolute Muppet…then it could be a rough ride.

Pick up THE HARE newspaper at Night and Day, Bar Centro, Font or Tiger Lounge in Manchester town centre, or the Oakwood in Glossop.

E-mail with questions, comments or contributory pieces.

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