Studio16 is an artistic collective, conceived as a way to bring together people working in the different mediums needed to create and publish comics and graphic novels.
Each member has been added because of their talents in either the field of writing, illustrating, colouring, editing, lettering, or art direction (or any combination of the above for the renaissance men/women among us).
So here’s the skinny: getting noticed/signed/published/exhibited is hard work. Making any of our respective industries sit-up and take note does not, as well you all know, happen simply because you’ve got the next big thing in your head or hands. It takes effort, luck and, I believe, team work.
I began writing seriously nine years ago. Lacking the necessary experience and understanding of my craft I laboured in the dark, alone, for the best part of a decade. It was only through a fluke contact that I finally got the chance to get anything published and all of a sudden I found myself working on a script for a graphic novel (a rewrite of The Count of Monte Cristo) and I became hooked.
I ardently believe that TV and film bosses are looking more and more to the medium for inspiration for new shows/movies, as a finished GN is a ready made storyboard for either and for that reason I believe now is the best time ever to air your ideas in comic form.
Well and truly bitten by the bug, I began, about six months ago, to explore the possibility of getting some original work out there. There are some quality publishing houses out there that are looking for new writing talent, but the majority are searching for artists or a ready-made creative unit, capable of producing an in-house work of publishable quality that they can simply produce and market. It is through these houses, most notably Image Comics (www.imagecomics.com) that I think the most direct route to success runs.
I have always dreamed of collaborating with my friends on a creative project. Nothing excites me more than the possibility of mutual success. Previously I had veered away from writing with anyone else, but I had neglected the possibility of a team of specialists, all focused on their own ‘department’ within a collective, but working together towards the same goal.
What I want to achieve with Studio16 is simply this: the creation of platform through which we can share ideas and, if logistically feasible, put-together a publishable piece or, at the very least, use each other’s experience to get better at what we do individually.
It’s easy for a writer to write around his day job. You don’t need tools or space. You just need to make time for it. I understand, though, that the case is very different for artists. I don’t want to assume that just because you can draw to the standard required (and all of you artists can) that you would A) Want to be part of this group or B) Have enough time to contribute fully, but I have added you out of my respect for your abilities and hope you would like to be involved with the creative process in some capacity.
I want to make something cool; something arresting; something we can be proud of. And I’d like very much to do it with you guys.
On to the Facebook group: please feel free to add any pictures, concepts, script/prose samples you would like to put forward for consideration or that you would like the other members to pass comment on.
Post anything you like on the wall, except endless videos of baby sloths falling asleep or off things.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
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