

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Two Years Ago Today...

Two years ago today, two of my very best friends, Thomas Western (who writes for THE HARE) and Stacey Dee Lloyd married and moved from Glossop to Edinburgh.

I was honoured to attend the reception at the Moon and Sixpence in Glossop. Dressed as a Victorian Dandy, I had intended to deliver a speech for the happy couple, which I duly did not. Why, I cannot remember entirely, but I believe once there I realised such words were unnecessary - their love was plain for all to see.

But the other day I was skimming through old documents and came across the speech that I think wound-up in their guestbook. Since today, August 11th 2011, is their two-year anniversary, I thought I would put it up here - for posterity if nothing else.

Congratulations guys - I love you both very much.

Rob x

Good evening ladies and gentlemen. We’re sure you’re all keen to get on with the revelry so we won’t take up more than a minute or two of your time. We’d just like to say a few words about the happy couple to commemorate the occasion.
When I first met Tom he was yay high. And, almost two years later, neither that nor he has changed. He is still the kindest, most selfless, gentle man I have ever met and he has had the deserved good fortune to woo, trap, or coerce into marriage the prettiest bar-girl to have graced the Glossop pub scene.

What I think is special about Tom and Stace, is their artistic connection. Both pursue their crafts with a level of inspiration and dedication, which is exhausting enough to observe, let alone experience. But it is made possible by their partnership through it all. It is rare that you meet someone who has the same hopes and dreams as you do, and all too often such similarity can lead to competition. But with Tom and Stace there is nothing but support. They understand and help each other through it all; constantly refuelling their desire to create something beautiful, be it through music or painting: they are common souls with a shared love for art and each other and that is a wonderful thing.

When I heard that Tom and Stace were getting married, I was unjustifiably excited. It’s not just because I was excited about dressing up, but because they were reaffirming my faith that there were people in the world, who still do things the right way, for the right reasons. These days it seems to me that the wedding itself often draws focus away from the marriage and the true meaning of it all is sidelined in favour of a big occasion. But with Tom and Stace there is no extravagant ceremony, or overblown ritual, no raucous farewell to single life or planes writing messages in the sky…it’s all been said already, to each other. It is an honest celebration of love and mutual appreciation in the presence of family and friends, and that is how it is supposed to be. And we’re in a bloody pub. Who’d’ve guessed?
So would you all please join me in toasting the happy couple, whom we all love, almost as much as they love each other! Tom and Stacey!

Pick up THE HARE newspaper at Night and Day, Bar Centro, Font or Tiger Lounge in Manchester town centre, or the Oakwood in Glossop.

E-mail with questions, comments or contributory pieces.

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