

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

The MadNeSS of TiiMo nOOdLepiP...

Unless you know me personally, you probably aren't aware that I have a brother.

Not that you need to know me all that personally - it's not like I keep him locked-up in an attic or anything, chained to the wall and begging for a love and understanding that will never fall in to his deformed arms - in fact, you might even know him and not me. Now there's a worrying thought.

Tim - or Tiimo Noodlepip, as I like to call him - is something of a reluctant artist. He would object to the label, but that doesn't stop him from doodling whenever I'm not around and leaving small drawings, poems or passages of text around for me as messages.

Over time I have collected these drawings and stored them without him knowing. Most are violently offensive - despite being genuinely hilarious - but every so often, a piece suitable for mass consumption comes along and it would be a shame to withhold such genius/madness.

Over the next four days I will be posting some of favourites. Keep your eyes peeled - there will be more to come.

Pick up THE HARE newspaper at Night and Day, Bar Centro, Font or Tiger Lounge in Manchester town centre, or the Oakwood in Glossop.

E-mail with questions, comments or contributory pieces.

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