

Friday, 7 January 2011

On Style: Earrings...

Should you or shouldn’t you? I say get your ear pierced first, then at least you have the option. I had mine done after losing a bet (for which the punishment was an elective form of bodily invasion- I went for needle Vs. earlobe to avoid anything grimmer) a few years ago and although I rarely (I mean, like, months apart) wear a ring or stud, the hole is still there, usable and totally unnoticeable.

People always react with shock when I tell them I have my ear pierced.

“You,” they say. “But you’re so clean-cut…so strait-laced…you wear suits to the pub.”
“Yes, but I’m a man of my word,” I say, flashing a smile as the light flashes over the golden hoop, from which a cross bearing the blasphemous image of Christ hangs. “I said I’d do it, and I did. It’s fucking super so get over it.”

My input to that illustrative conversation there was a lie. Not only do I not own an earring of such George Michael-esque proportions, I have trouble defending my body maiming antics.

But an earring offers you instant change – the chance to revise your look in seconds. I can go from side swept hair, a suit and polished brogues, to a spiky do, faded t-shirt and ripped jeans, high-tops and a stud, or my personal favourite, a ring.

Seriously, double gold hoops can be done with class and style: think Daniel Day-Lewis or Colin Farrell (more so the former).

Also, try this on for size: get yourself a silver segment ring and take out the closing bar. Slip the now three-quarter circle through your ear and – here’s the money shot – turn it upside-down. It look’s like your ear is pierced in two places and that the ring goes all the way through. I was inspired by a beautiful Frenchman, who first sported this style in my presence before trying to fondle me. I forgave him, though, for his impeccable style (see Etnia Barcelona Glasses too, one of his choice accessories) and utmost Frenchness. This look is Rock ‘n’ Roll in a can. Try it on for size when being too slick for Silverstone in sleet sits awkwardly with a social function.

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