

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

On Style: The Problem with Vintage...

The problem with vintage…boy, this title got me a lot of stick from my girlfriend, and I appreciate that for all charity-shop trailers, it may seem a tad negative.

But please, grant me the same grace she did and allow me to explain.

Vintage is awesome (gamesaver – Ed), but the real problem with it is coordination. This problem isn’t just stylistic, in fact, that is the least of your concerns. No, the real issue hear is colour, or, more specifically, pattern.

Much vintage wear is so striking because of the more outlandish patterns used ‘back in the day’. Shirts are the number one offender and should be avoided at all costs. Jackets, provided the pattern is subtle, can be teamed with plainer items for an interesting look. But the area in which vintage really excels is also the most versatile: accessories.

Ties, cravats, broaches, watches, belts, hats and gloves are all easily coordinated with modern items, and often a useful and exciting twist to an otherwise dowdy outfit.

My rule for vintage is simple: one, statement item at a time, and keep it on the small side.

That should elicit interest and admiration, rather than curiosity and pity.

Pick up THE HARE newspaper at Night and Day, Bar Centro, Font or Tiger Lounge in Manchester town centre, or the Oakwood in Glossop.

E-mail with questions, comments or contributory pieces.

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