

Monday, 27 September 2010

'Tis the Season...

Ah, what joy! Autumn is upon us and close on its heels are the wintry months of November-February.

While many run to the cover of their homes to avoid the snow and sleet of England at this time, I intend to make the most of the cold season by bolstering my wardrobe with a wealth of new styles and looks that will not only keep me warm, but fill me with a warm feeling of sartorial superiority.

But I am far from a believer in keeping fashion tips and tricks to myself: how wonderful a world would it be where everyone had the clothes that portrayed them as they wish to be portrayed? Although such a dream may seem superficial (because it is) and unimportant (though it isn't), appearances count for a great deal in a world where making a good first impression is more important than ever.

Life is rarely a meritocracy. Too often people's talents are overlooked, because they can't make the inner beauty translate into outward confidence.

I'm no shrink; I can't change people's personalities. But I can offer-up the advice I have been given over my years in and around the fashion industry, in the hope that you might be able to take a that which relates to your particular leanings and twist it to your advantage.

Don't be cast by the wayside because your shoes don't match your belt, or because you're tie-knot sits awkwardly in your collar. From top to toe I will spend the coming weeks imparting as much of what I know about presentation as I can.

I hope you enjoy the coming posts, which will start on Wednesday the 29th: if you have any tips of your own, send them to me! The pursuit of sartorial elegance is a long and tricky endeavour, and I too need all the help I can get.

Much love,

R. Jay Nudds

Pick up THE HARE newspaper at Night and Day, Bar Centro, Font or Tiger Lounge in Manchester town centre, or the Oakwood in Glossop.

E-mail with questions, comments or contributory pieces.

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